Women who consume sugar-sweetened beverages once or more daily are at a higher risk of developing diseases like liver cancer and chronic hepatitis, says an observational study led by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The study included nearly 100,000 postmenopausal women from the Women’s Health Initiative and followed them for more than 20 years. “To our knowledge, this is the first study to report an association between sugar-sweetened beverage intake and chronic liver disease mortality,” said first author Longgang Zhao of the Brigham’s Channing Division of Network Medicine. (Also read | Furry fruit improves mental health: Study)

Soft drinks being high in sugar and soda pose grave risk to a person’s overall health and puts one at risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer, liver damage, digestive issues and bone health troubles.(Freepik)

The researchers studied self-reported liver cancer incidence and death due to chronic liver disease.

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Soft drinks being high in sugar and soda pose grave risk to a person’s overall health and puts one at risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer, liver damage, digestive issues and bone health troubles. The risk is even more for women as compared to men who find themselves at an elevated risk of liver cancer, high risk pregnancy, heart conditions to gout, finds out the study.

Side effects of regular soft drink consumption for women

“As soft drinks remain one of the most commonly consumed beverages in recent years being the highlight of parties and get together meetings, its effects on human health cannot be overlooked. It has been very well known that these soft drinks are loaded with sugars, not to mention the added soda that makes them worse for health without adding any nutritional value. The perils of soft drink intake are well documented for everyone, but recent studies have highlighted that these drinks can cause more deleterious effects on females,” says Dr Niti Kaushik (Director & H.O.D- Obstetrics & Gynaecology), Fortis Escorts Hospital Faridabad.

Here are 5 major side effects of regular consumption of soft drinks in women as per Dr Kaushik:

High risk pregnancy

High levels of sugars make you prone to obesity, diabetes, and a myriad of other conditions associated with it. Though these conditions are deleterious for both genders, they add the disadvantage of high risk in pregnancy and difficult conception in women.

Increases risk of cancer

The sugar free or zero sugar soft drinks use aspartame as a sweetener, which makes you prone to many metabolic diseases including susceptibility to cancer.

Recent studies have also suggested an increased incidence of hepatitis and subsequently hepatic carcinoma in women who consumed soda on a daily basis. This mainly results in due to increase in oestrogen.

Accelerates ageing

According to American Journal of public health, consumption of 20 ounce of soda per day accelerates ageing by over 4 and half years. This mainly relates to the high caloric value of soft drinks.

Heart conditions

An excess of soda leads to lowering in serum Potassium, which makes you prone to heart conditions such as arrhythmia.

Increased risk of gout

An elevated risk of gout has been found in women with daily consumption of soda. One of the main ingredients of soft drinks is phosphoric acid, which depletes calcium out of bones.

Healthy beverages that can be added to diet

Instead of soft drinks, one can include their healthier alternatives in daily diet:

1. Sparkling water: This can be a replacement to soft drinks for people who prefer drinks with a fizz. They do contain dissolved CO2 but are better than soda drinks.

2. Fruit juices: They are rich in minerals and vitamins and also can prevent dehydration.

3. Milk: If you are not lactose intolerant, this could a great source of protein and calcium for you.

4. Coconut water: Rich in calcium with almost zero calories, it is preferable for women who are looking to lose weight.